Attorney Self-Certification Program: What it is and How it May Help You Obtain a Liquor License Faster
Originally Published : August 21, 2013
In speaking to potential New York City restaurant & bar owners, we frequently hear the same question: “I plan to open my restaurant in about three months. However, I hear that it can take almost six months to get a liquor license. Is there anything you can do to speed up the process?”
Fortunately, the answer is “yes.”
In September of 2009, New York State Liquor Authority (“SLA”) Chairman Dennis Rosen implemented the Attorney Self-Certification Program. This program allows attorneys filing retail applications on behalf of applicants to certify that statements and documents provided in an application are true and accurate and that the application meets all statutory requirements. The program allows for a more timely review of applications, as the agency will rely on the information certified by the attorney, eliminating the need to review each document submitted. Thus cutting down on the review time of the application.
As suggested by the name, the Attorney Self-Certification program is limited to attorneys. An “expeditor” or “representative” cannot legally self-certify an application on your behalf.
Attorney self-certification is one of the many positive changes that SLA Chairman Dennis Rosen has implemented. The program was created as a part of a larger effort to reduce licensing backlog. Compared to a 31,000-applicant backlog that was once the norm, the SLA now has a mere 200 applications as part of its backlog.
Call us today to discuss the Attorney Self-Certification program and how we may be able to help you obtain your liquor license faster.