Food, Liquor & Cannabis License Services

Helbraun Levey has a team of attorneys and specialists dedicated to the licensing and permitting needs for New York hospitality operators. Choosing the right set of licensing for your establishment requires not only strong legal consideration, but also an understanding of the local business environment.

We have the first-hand knowledge of the hospitality industry necessary to advise you to select the right type of licenses that will help you achieve long-term success and we will help you get that license with as little pain as possible.

NYC Community Board Appearances

Our team of attorneys and licensing experts have extensive experience appearing before New York City’s various Community Boards. Because we represent multiple clients within each district, every month, our seasoned licensing team is always well-prepared and we will develop a winning strategy that will help you get through the Community Board process and get your application approved.

NY State Liquor Licensing Services

We advise, prepare and file the following types of NY State Liquor Authority applications for our clients:

If you have questions, would like additional guidance, or want more information on this topic, please contact us here.

Additional NYC Permits

Cocktails, ABC Liquor License Services, Helbraun Levey, NYC