On-Premise Liquor License Applications
“On-Premises” Liquor Licenses are a category of licenses that allow you to serve alcoholic beverages on the actual premise of your business. There are different types of these “on-premises” licenses – some that allow you to serve beer only; some allowing for beer, wine, cider and sake; and some that allow for beer, wine, cider, sake AND full liquor and spirits. Within each type of license, things are defined even further based on the character of your proposed business – bar, restaurant, hotel, nightclub, catering establishment. The process of applying for an on-premise license is tricky and it’s crucially important to make sure that you’re applying for the right license and doing so in the right manner. We strongly suggest that you do not “try this at home!” Give us a call and we will talk you through the process.
More NY Liquor Licenses Law Services
Off-Premise Liquor License Applications
“Off-Premises” Liquor Licenses are a category of licenses that allow you to sell alcoholic beverages to patrons for their off-of-the-premises consumption only.
Event Permits
Anytime that there is an event held and alcoholic beverages are distributed, whether they are being sold, given away, donated, etc., there will always be a type of license or permit that should be governing that event.
Liquor License Renewals
Once you are approved for your liquor license, you can take a deep breath, as the hardest part is done.