FAQs Coming Tonight

Originally Published : March 14, 2020

Dear HL Client,

The response to the hotline has been overwhelming and understandably so.  Everyone is thinking about whether to close, how to close, who to fire, how to fire them, ethical concerns about staying open and so much more.  It’s a lot to handle and I have been talking to so many of you today about how to make these no win, heart-wrenching decisions.  If you are thinking about closing and want to discuss, you can reach out to me directly and I will be happy to talk to you.

For all other questions about operations, closing and employment matters, rest assured that my staff and I are working hard to formulate the answers that you need to your most pressing questions but we need a little more time.  We will absolutely be back to you this evening with the latest and thank you in advance for your patience.


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