An Overview Of This Frequently Asked Section

As the Coronavirus continues to spread, we stand ready to assist you, your business, and your employees during this fast-paced and scary time.

Please read the information provided below and continue to check this webpage for additional information as it becomes available. We actively encourage you to contact any member of Helbraun Levey to help you with any questions or concerns you may have.

The response to the hotline has been overwhelming and understandably so.  Everyone is thinking about whether to close, how to close, who to fire, how to fire them, ethical concerns about staying open and so much more.  It’s a lot to handle and I have been talking to so many of you today about how to make these no win, heart-wrenching decisions.  If you are thinking about closing and want to discuss, you can reach out to me directly and I will be happy to talk to you.

For all other questions about operations, closing and employment matters, rest assured that my staff and I are working hard to formulate the answers that you need to your most pressing questions, but we need a little more time.  We will absolutely be back to you this evening with the latest and thank you in advance for your patience.

In response to the many emails that we are receiving asking about what to do about closing your restaurant or how to deal with a multitude of employment questions, we are establishing an email hotline that we will monitor throughout the day.  Please send all employment and closure related questions to:

[email protected]

We will be updating these FAQs daily so you can easily refer to them and use them as a reference.  All of these questions are being compiled on a website located at and we encourage you to check this site for updates and additional resources for you, your staff, and your guests. 

Please keep in mind that the present situation has essentially continued to change on an hourly basis, so the following information is provided to our clients with the understanding that it is accurate and current as of the date(s) indicated below.